503 error on Xserver and how to resolve it by changing PHP version

When running a website, a 503 error is one of the problems you want to avoid. 503 errors indicate that the server is temporarily overloaded or under maintenance. This article discusses 503 errors, especially those that occur with Xserver, and how to resolve them.

Resolution by changing the PHP version

If you encounter 503 errors on Xserver, one of the causes is related to the PHP version. In particular, if this problem occurs when using PHP 8.1xx or 8.2xx, downgrading the PHP version to 8.0xx may solve the problem.

This is because the website and the applications running on it may not be compatible with the newer PHP version. As a result, incompatibilities may cause errors. There may also be bugs in PHP itself that can cause 503 errors.

How to change the PHP version

Xserver allows you to change the PHP version from the control panel. The procedure is shown below.

  • First, login to the Xserver control panel.
  • Next, find a section like “Web Settings” or “PHP Settings”.
  • Within that section, you will find a drop-down menu to select the version of PHP you wish to use.
  • Here, select PHP 8.0xx.
  • Finally, remember to save your settings.

This will change the PHP version to 8.0xx. Open the website again to see if the 503 error has been resolved. However, if the problem still persists, there may be other causes and further troubleshooting is required.

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