Solution when the top page is not displayed in WordPress

If the top page does not display on your WordPress site, there are many possible causes. One of them may involve whether or not the ‘index.html’ file exists in the root folder. This article describes the problem and how to address it.

Checking for the presence of index.html in the root folder

Web servers usually serve the file ‘index.html’ or ‘index.php’ by default if it exists in the requested directory. However, WordPress basically uses ‘index.php’. Therefore, if an ‘index.html’ file exists in the root folder, it will take precedence and the WordPress top page may not be displayed.

Therefore, if you do not see the WordPress home page, first open the root folder and see if the ‘index.html’ file exists.

If the ‘index.html’ file exists, rename it temporarily to something else or move it to another location. Then try accessing the WordPress home page from your browser again. If you can now see the top page, then the problem has been solved.

However, there are many other reasons why the home page may not display (for example, theme settings, plugin issues, WordPress settings, etc.). If the ‘index.html’ file is not the problem, please consider other possibilities.

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