Permission errors in Wordmove and how to deal with them

When using Wordmove, a tool for efficiently synchronizing WordPress development environments, you may encounter errors related to file and directory permission settings in certain environments.

Specific error messages include:.

rsync: failed to set permissions on "/var/www/xxx": Operation not permitted (1)

This means that rsync is not allowed to set permissions on the remote server. This indicates that rsync is failing when it tries to change file or directory permissions on a remote server because it does not have the proper permissions.

One way to work around this problem is to specify rsync_options: --no-p in the Wordmove configuration file. This option tells rsync to skip permission changes.

Example usage: rsync_options: –no-p

rsync_options: --no-p

This option can be used to synchronize files while avoiding permission errors. However, the appropriateness of this setting depends on the specific server environment and requirements, so it is recommended that it be employed only after appropriate testing.

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