What to do if text-overflow: ellipsis; does not work

When text exceeds the width of an element, the end of the text is abbreviated with a three-point leader (…) However, it may not work as expected. This section describes the causes and remedies.

Causes of text-overflow: ellipsis; not working

text-overflow: ellipsis; is effective when the following conditions are met

  • white-space: nowrap; is set (to prevent text from breaking lines)
  • overflow: hidden; is set (to prevent the display of text that extends beyond the element)
  • The parent element or itself must have a display setting with width, such as display: block; or display: inline-block;.

If these conditions are not met, text-overflow: ellipsis; will not work.

Effect of display: block; and how to deal with it

Especially when the display setting is set to inline, text-overflow: ellipsis; often does not work because the width of the element depends on the length of the text. In this case, changing to display: block; ordisplay: inline-block; will set the width to the element and allow ellipsis to work correctly.

Code Example

.ellipsis {
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: nowrap;
    display: block; /* change as needed */
    width: 200px; /* set width as needed */

Other notes

In special cases, such as when the width of a parent element or an element is placed within a flex orgrid layout, further adjustments to the layout are necessary. Setting max-width,min-width, etc. as necessary can help stabilize the display.


If text-overflow: ellipsis; does not work, change the display property to block or inline-block and review the overflow andwhite-space settings. Also, adjust the width of the element to achieve the intended ellipsis.

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