About Wordmove Options

Wordmove is a tool for moving WordPress sites between development and production environments; there are many options for Wordmove commands, and understanding them can make the site migration process more flexible and efficient.

Below is a description of some of the key options in Wordmove.

  • wordpress: Synchronizes all WordPress files. Use option -w.
  • uploads: Synchronize upload directories (usually wp-content/uploads). Use option -u.
  • themes: Synchronize theme directories (usually wp-content/themes). Use option -t.
  • plugins: Synchronize plugin directories (usually wp-content/plugins). Use option -p.
  • languages: Synchronizes the languages directory (usually wp-content/languages). Use option -l.
  • db: Synchronize databases. Use option -d.
  • verbose: Output detailed information. Use option -v.
  • simulate: Displays which files will be synchronized, without actually synchronizing them. Use option -s.
  • environment: Specifies the environment to move to. Use option -e.
  • config: Specifies the location of the Wordmove configuration file. Use option -c.
  • no_adapt: Do not automatically adjust URLs.
  • all: Synchronize all data and files.

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