Custom Post UI and Bogo to make custom posts multilingual

The following are the steps to follow when using “Custom Post UI” and “Bogo” to make a custom post multilingual:

  1. Set rewrite in front to false.
  2. Add the following code to functions.php:

 * Support custom post type with bogo. 
 * @param array $localizable Supported post types. 
 * @return array 
 function my_localizable_post_types( $ localizable ) { 
 $localizable[] = 'custom_post_type_name'; 
 return $localizable; 
 add_filter( 'bogo_localizable_post_types', 'my_localizable_ post_types', 10, 1 ); 

These are the steps for making custom posts multilingual using Custom Post UI and Bogo.

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