How to customize and hide WordPress widget titles

You may want to hide WordPress widget titles or customize them in a specific way. This article will show you how to hide widget titles using a specific symbol.

Method 1: Hide the title

To hide the widget title, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php

function remove_widget_title( $widget_title ) { 
 if ( substr ( $widget_title, 0, 1 ) == '! ) 
 return ( $widget_title ); 
add_filter( 'widget_title', 'remove_widget_title' ); 

This code hides the title of the widget if the title begins with “! “, it hides the title. If you enter the title in the widget settings as “! title name”, the title part will not be displayed.

Method 2: Use custom HTML to display the title

Many widgets do not allow you to enter HTML tags directly in the title. Therefore, it is recommended to hide the title using the above method and then use a custom HTML widget to display your own title.

This method allows you to create titles with more flexible design and structure.

By using the above methods, you can easily customize your WordPress widget titles. Choose the appropriate method for your needs and optimize your site’s design.

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