How to make a WordPress post image a link by default

WordPress allows you to set whether images added to a post are inserted as links by default or not. By taking advantage of this feature, you can set it so that when a reader clicks on an image, a larger image will appear in a new window or tab.

To change this setting, please refer to the following instructions.

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Enter “/wp-admin/options.php” at the end of the URL to access the hidden settings screen.
  3. Find the item called image_default_link_type.
  4. Change the value of that item to file.
  5. Save the changes.

With this change, any new image added to a post or page will have a link to that image inserted by default. Note, however, that this will not affect images that have already been posted.

In addition to this method, you can use plug-ins and other methods to change the settings in various ways. Please select the most appropriate method according to your needs.

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