How to change custom taxonomy names in WordPress

If you are running a WordPress site, you may want to change the name of your custom taxonomy. This article will show you how to rewrite custom taxonomy names using SQL.

Steps: 1.

  1. First, make a backup.
  2. It is always recommended to make a backup before making any changes to the database. If something goes wrong, you can restore it to its original state.

  3. Execute SQL
  4. UPDATE `wp_term_taxonomy` SET `taxonomy` = ' ' WHERE `taxonomy` = ' ';

    By executing this SQL query, you can rewrite the existing taxonomy name to the new name.


This method directly rewrites the database and should be done with caution. Also, if you change the taxonomy name, the associated slugs and URLs may also change, so you need to take that into account.

This is how to change custom taxonomy names in WordPress. While you need to be careful about changing the database, you can easily change the taxonomy name by using this method.

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