Useful image display technique combining aspect-ratio and object-fit

When dealing with images on a website, it is important to maintain the aspect ratio of images and fine-tune the way images are displayed while supporting responsive design. combining the `aspect-ratio` and `object-fit` properties in CSS can help solve these issues and achieve a more flexible and aesthetically pleasing image display.

The `aspect-ratio` property

The `aspect-ratio` property is a CSS property that specifies the aspect ratio of an element. Aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height. For example, a 16:9 aspect ratio means that the width is 16 and the height is 9.

Traditionally, JavaScript, padding, and other techniques were used to maintain the aspect ratio of images, but by using the `aspect-ratio` property, the aspect ratio can be easily maintained using only CSS.

.image-container {
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; /* specify 16:9 aspect ratio */

By specifying a ratio in the `aspect-ratio` property as above, the element will always maintain the specified aspect ratio.

object-fit property

The `object-fit` property is a CSS property that specifies how the content of a replacement element (e.g., an image or video) should be displayed to fit the container.

The `object-fit` property can have the following values.

  • `contain`: shrink or enlarge the content to fit completely within the element while maintaining the aspect ratio.
  • `cover`: shrink or expand the content to cover the entire element while maintaining the aspect ratio.
  • `fill`: shrink or expand the content to fill the entire element, ignoring the aspect ratio.
  • `none`: Do not scale the content down or up.
  • `scale-down`: display the content according to the smaller of `none` or `contain`.

Combination of `aspect-ratio` and object-fit

By combining the `aspect-ratio` and `object-fit` properties, you can fine-tune the way the image is displayed to fit the container while maintaining the image’s aspect ratio.

.image-container {
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
  width: 100%;

.image-container img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%; }
  object-fit: cover; /* display image to cover entire container */

In this example, `aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;` specifies the aspect ratio of the container to be 16:9, and `object-fit: cover;` causes the image to cover the entire container. This allows the image aspect ratio to be maintained while supporting responsive design.


By combining the `aspect-ratio` and `object-fit` properties, you can flexibly adjust the way images are displayed to fit the container while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. By utilizing these properties, you can achieve a more beautiful website design.

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