What to do if engagement (PV) is not displayed in Google Analytics

If you are not seeing engagement data in Google Analytics, there may be a problem with your settings or report publication status. This article details why engagement is not displaying and how to resolve the issue.

Solution: Steps to View Engagement Data (PV)

To view engagement data, you must check the report settings and change it to public status by following these steps

Step 1: Click on “Reports

Go to the Google Analytics admin page and click on ” Reports ” from the left navigation menu.

Step 2: Click on “Library

Next, click on ” Library ” in the lower left corner of the Reports screen.

Step 3: Change the “Lifecycle” report collection to “Public

Find the report collection named ” Lifecycle ” in the Library and click on the 3-point reader in the upper right corner to make it public.


If you are not seeing engagement in Google Analytics, you can fix this by checking the report settings and publishing the “Lifecycle” report from the “Library”. Correctly configured reports provide important information for more in-depth analysis of user behavior data, so be sure to check your settings regularly to ensure they are displaying the data correctly.

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