How to control the behavior of autoplay in Swiper

Swiper is a very popular library for implementing modern touch sliders. However, many developers face a problem when using Swiper’s autoplay feature: autoplay stops when the user touches the slider.

The reason for this problem is that Swiper’s default setting is to stop autoplay upon user interaction. This is done so that when the user initiates interaction with the slider, the behavior of autoplay does not interfere with the user’s operation.

However, there are cases where you may want to change this behavior so that autoplay continues even during user interaction. This can be accomplished by setting disableOnInteraction to false in Swiper’s configuration options.

autoplay: { disableOnInteraction: false, }

By applying this setting, autoplay will continue after the user touches the slider.

This is one way to improve the usability of Swiper, but it is important to choose the appropriate settings taking into account usability and UX.

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