Specifying files with Gulp’s glob pattern

The glob pattern is commonly used to specify files in Gulp. glob pattern allows you to easily specify and manipulate multiple files that exist under a specific directory.

Basics of the glob pattern

The glob pattern is a special string-based method for easily specifying files and directories on a path. The following are examples of commonly used glob patterns.

  • *: Matches any file or directory name.
  • * *: Matches any directory hierarchy.
  • * .scss: Matches files with the extension .scss.
  • ./src/**/*.js: Matches all .js files under the src directory.

Specific usage examples

For example, ./src/scss/ directory to target all .scss files located under the directory.

gulp.src('. /src/scss/**/*.scss')

This will cause all .scss files in the src/scss folder and its subfolders to be processed by Gulp.

Application of the glob pattern

In Gulp, it is possible to specify multiple files. For example, you can pass multiple file patterns as an array

gulp.src(['. /src/scss/**/*.scss', '. /src/js/**/*.js'])

In this example, both SCSS and JavaScript files are processed. gulp.src() can accept multiple patterns in array format, allowing for flexible specification.

Efficient file processing using the glob pattern

By using the glob pattern, you can create efficient Gulp tasks that process multiple files at once. The following is an example of a basic Gulp task targeting SCSS files.

const gulp = require('gulp');
const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));

function compileScss() {
    return gulp.src('. /src/scss/**/*.scss')
        .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
        .pipe(gulp.dest('. /dist/css')));

gulp.task('sass', compileScss);

This task uses the glob pattern to batch process all .scss files under the src/scss directory and outputs the compiled CSS files in the dist/css directory.


The glob pattern is a powerful tool for easily specifying multiple files and directories in Gulp. Consider using the glob pattern to streamline your Gulp tasks.

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