July 2023

How to upload HEIC files in WordPress

To upload HEIC format files in WordPress, add a specific function. This allows you to set the HEIC format and HEIC sequences as uploadable file formats.

SSL Removal Instructions for LetsEncrypt Certificates

To remove a LetsEncrypt certificate, list the certificate with “certbot certificates” and then delete the certificate with “certbot revoke –cert-name=xxx.com”. At the last prompt, select delete file.

What to do if you get a mysqldump error with Wordmove

This section describes a workaround for mysqldump errors when moving databases using Wordmove by adding mysqldump_options: “–column-statistics=0” to the Wordmove configuration file. This is a workaround.

How to get the current template name

This section describes how to get the current page template name in WordPress. The function get_page_template_slug() can be used to get the current template file name (e.g. ‘page-xxx.php’).

How to resolve import errors in phpMyAdmin

As a solution to the import error “#1214 – The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes” in phpMyAdmin, you can change the table type specification in the SQL file from “ENGINE=InnoDB” to “ENGINE= MyISAM” from “ENGINE=InnoDB”. If an error occurs during the process, delete the table that failed to import and re-import it.

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