July 2023

How to eliminate gaps under inline elements

The gap that occurs below an inline element can be adjusted using the CSS vertical-align property. In particular, setting “vertical-align: bottom;” will position the element against the bottom edge of the parent element.

How to resolve port collision error when restarting nginx

If you get a port conflict error when restarting nginx, you can resolve this by checking the ports in use and stopping the conflicting process. Also, if nginx does not start properly, it may be necessary to delete the generated sock file.

Check for double-byte spaces in PHP code

The PHP error “Warning : Use of undefined constant” also occurs when double-byte spaces are included in the code. Check the code of the line where the error occurs and check for the presence of double-byte spaces.

About Wordmove Options

Learn more about Wordmove options. Understanding and properly using these options will make it easier to move your WordPress site between development and production environments.

Notes on Bootstrap and Attribute Selectors

When using Bootstrap’s grid system, care must be taken in the use of attribute selectors. In particular, using an attribute selector that targets all elements with class names beginning with “col” may cause styles to be applied to unintended elements.

Bootstrap’s nav tab: how to use the right tags

This section explains the importance of choosing the correct HTML tags for tab switching in Bootstrap’s nav tab. In particular, it is recommended that the tab-content and tab-pane classes be used with the div tag.

Breakpoint Events in JavaScript

This section explains how to implement event processing for each breakpoint in JavaScript. This allows you to perform specific processing at each breakpoint in a responsive design.

How to set up video autoplay in iOS

This section explains how to set up automatic playback of videos on iOS devices. Three attributes are used: “playsinline,” “muted,” and “autoplay.”

How to set up www and https

This section explains how to change from no www to “https://www.example.com” and from http to “https://example.com”.

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